Our Services and Offerings
It's not only visas we do.
When things don’t always go to plan such as having a visa refused, cancelled or not validly lodged, we are highly experienced and successful at representing at the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) at both the Migration & Refugee Division & at the General Division. Additionally, our lawyers are admitted to represent at both the Federal Circuit (FCC) & the Supreme Court of Victoria.
We have experienced lawyers who apart from Immigration, also practise in commercial, criminal, family, property & contract law. Additionally, they are also fluent in Spanish, Chinese, Cantonese & Indonesian.
Through our combined 70 years of business experience, we analyse our clients’ circumstances, needs and goals and develop visa pathways for their future.
Contact us for a consultation or visit our visas page for some visa options.
Most temporary visa applicants are required to hold a certain level of health insurance. The legislative requirements of health insurance that visa applicants must hold differ depending on the class of visa applied for and by the nationality of the applicant.
We have teamed up with a range of insurance providers to organise and ensure you attain a competitive rate for health insurance.
One of the crucial and challenging components and pre-requisites for skilled migration and certain business sponsored visas is to attain a positive skills assessment.
With over 40 skills assessing authorities, each with different requirements and regulations, it can be a confusing and stressful stage in the visa process.
Having facilitated over 2000 skills assessments, I-migration’s experience and knowledge in this area has led us to our 99% success rate.
Citizenship is the last step in your migration journey, and we are here to assist you reach that goal. We facilitate the citizenship application, guide you through the process, and ensure the entire journey is a smooth one.
You may be eligible for Australian citizenship by conferral, descent, or birth.
To be eligible for Australian citizenship by conferral, you must have resided lawfully in Australia for 4 years prior to lodging, with the last year as a permanent resident. Few exemptions apply to this residency requirement.
Different evidence is required for applications by descent or birth.
An approved Standard Business Sponsor (SBS) has an obligation to maintain records on its 457/482 visa holders, in line with the details declared in its application. If an audit is conducted by the DOHA and their monitoring officers believe a breach has occurred, then the sponsor may be subject to a number of sanctions.
It is essential that sponsors maintain their obligations and accurate records of their employees at all times. We can review organisations ensuring sponsors remain compliant, and represent sponsors in the event of a DOHA compliance audit.
We offer a full employee work rights audit service that will provide you with a detailed audit report on all employees of your business, their work restrictions, visa validities and migration solutions for those employees who may require it.
Since the introduction of The Migration Amendment (Reform of Employer Sanctions) Act 2013 on 1st June 2013, employers are subject to criminal and civil penalties in the event that they breach certain employment regulations. This includes, but is not limited to, the following example: employing overseas workers (students, tourists, temporary residents) who are in breach of their work rights. Whether it be employing a student for more than 40 hours per fortnight, a Working Holiday visa holder for more than 6 months, a tourist visa holder, or an employee whose visa expired without the employer’s knowledge.
A contravention of the Civil Penalty Provisions carries a possible fine of up to $49,500 for corporations and $9,900 for individuals. However, the legislation does enable the Department of Immigration and Department of Home affairs (DOHA) to issue an infringement notice as an alternative to court action for one-fifth of the maximum civil penalty. Civil penalty orders will be sought in cases of repeated non-compliance.
Companies breaching the criminal provisions face fines of up to $66,000 while convicted individuals may be fined $13,200 or imprisoned for up to 2 years.